Set financial goals

How to create SMART financial goals

SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and anchored within a Time Frame. Applying this method to your finances can help you break down the goal into its key components.

S – State exactly what is to be done with your finances.

M – Outline how you’ll be able to track your progress.

A – Determine the practical steps you’ll take to achieve the goal.

R – Ensure the goal is achievable for your financial situation.

T – Give yourself a deadline for when the goal needs to be reached.

i.e. Long-term financial goal

S – I’ll pay off my mortgage quickly.

M – I’ll need to make the equivalent of an extra month’s repayment each year.

A – I will switch from monthly to fortnightly payments.

R – This goal is attainable according to my income and budget.

T – The timeframe is dependent on the cost of the mortgage and the repayment amount.

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