Financial Services

  • Have short-term, mid-term and long-term financial goals – these can be personal or business goals
  • A short-term financial goal is something that can be reached within a year. E.g., Save $ 2,000 until Christmas for a holiday. Or a business goal. E.g., Reduce business overhead costs by 2% by the end of the financial year
  • Mid-term financial goals can take up to five years. E.g., Pay off HECS debt or car loan in three years or pay off a business loan in five years
  • Long-term financial goals could take more than five years to achieve. E.g., buy a family home with four bedrooms in ten years with minimum mortgage or open a new office location in the city in eight years

  • Analyse your current financial position
  • Optimise your non-essential spending
  • Create a realistic budget (and stick to it)

  • Keep track. The best way to work out where you are spending your money is to keep a record of where it is going
  • Categorise your payments. Put the different types of expenditure into categories so you can see where you spend the most
  • Set a goal. Once you have set your budget, put in place ways to help you manage it
  • Automate your savings. For example, consider setting up automatic regular withdrawals to a separate savings account
  • Track your progress. Your budget should be a dynamic document, so make sure you check it each month to see if you are on track

  • Know your position well– your budget? Is it an investment property or home? Which area? Is it accessible to public transport? Are there any grants available?
  • Have a finance pre-approval ready with bank to avoid uncertainty as to how much you can borrow
  • Visit the location and do some fieldwork, drive, and use public transport
  • Seek advice from professionals before the purchase for the right property ownership structure

Consider following questions:

  • What is the cost involved? Cost vs. Benefits compared to industry superfunds
  • What is the balance of my current superfund?
  • What is the purpose of having self-managed superfund?
  • Do I fully understand all the legal responsibilities?
  • Do I have the time, expertise, and motivation to actively manage my own super?
  • Am I confident I can do better than professional investment managers through my investment strategy?
  • Do I have enough money to make it worthwhile, given fees and expenses such as accounting, legal, audit or tax advice?
  • If something goes wrong, am I satisfied with the lower levels of protection that apply to SMSFs, compared to APRA-regulated super funds?

Before making any investment decision, we recommend that you seek qualified financial advice

  • Speak to professionals
  • Keep track of all the spending
  • Have a budget and stick to it
  • Think about the worst-case scenario. Taking a hard look at the worst-case scenario has the paradoxical impact of lowering your anxiety
  • Ask for help. Consider working with a financial planning professional to help you cope with your anxiety and make progress on tackling your financial challenges

Speak with a Wellness Hub Specialist and get a one-on-one demo, tailored to your organization’s needs.